
This command allows you to configure a “uniform” that your civilians should wear. autoclothing will then keep track of your stock of the configured clothing (including clothing that your citizens are already wearing) and will generate manager orders to manufacture more when your stock drops below a configured per-citizen threshold.

If you are wondering whether you should enable tailor instead, see the comparsion in the last section below.


autoclothing <material> <item>
autoclothing <material> <item> <quantity>

<material> can be “cloth”, “silk”, “yarn”, or “leather”. The <item> can be anything your civilization can produce, such as “dress” or “mitten”.

The quantity is per-citizen, so keep the values low. A quantity of 1 makes one per citizen. 2 will ensure everyone has a pre-made spare. Usually, 1 is enough.

When invoked without parameters, it shows a summary of all managed clothing orders, and the overall clothing situation in your fort. When invoked with a material and item, but without a quantity, it shows the current configuration for that material and item.


autoclothing cloth "short skirt" 1

Ensures that every citizen will have a cloth short skirts available (as long as there is cloth available to make them out of).

autoclothing cloth dress

Displays the currently set number of cloth dresses chosen per citizen.

Which should I enable: autoclothing or tailor?

Both autoclothing and tailor generate manager orders for needed clothing, but they make different choices about when and what to order.

Enable autoclothing when:

  • you want to set specific configuration for each clothing type for more control over exactly what your citizens wear

  • you want to keep a cache of spare clothing before it is needed

Enable tailor when:

  • you want your citizens clothed and don’t care specifically what they wear

  • you want a tool that can run effectively with a default configuration

You can even enable both tools if you only want to set configuration for a few specific clothing types (e.g. if you’d prefer that most pople wear dresses). You can set the configuration for those types in autoclothing and let tailor automatically manage the rest.